菲律宾娱乐巨头准备退出股票交易所 Premium Leisure Corp, a prominent player in the Philippines’ gaming industry, has announced its intention to voluntarily delist from the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE), effective from 9 July , 2024. This decision marks a significant shift in the company’s strategic direction, and it has sparked interest and speculation within the industry. This decision to delist comes at a time of change and uncertainty for the gaming industry. However, it also presents new opportunities for Premium Leisure Corp to redefine its strategic direction and continue its growth outside the constraints of the stock
阿拉巴马州试图合法化博彩的努力未能达成——僵局持续 The Alabama State Senate has been experiencing a demise of a significant push to legalize various forms of gambling, including a state lottery.
EveryMatrix 在 2024 年第一季度创下了前所未有的增长记录 EveryMatrix has once again outdone itself in Q1 2024, setting new records for net revenue and EBITDA. The company generated a staggering €39m in net revenue across all products, marking a 66 percent year-on-year growth. EBITDA also soared to an all-time high of €22 million, a 111 percent increase from the previous year, pushing the company’s EBITDA margin to a record 57 percent, up from 45 percent in Q1 2023.
国际娱乐有限公司接管了马尼拉新海岸赌场的运营 国际娱乐有限公司正式接管了马尼拉的菲律宾娱乐与游戏公司(PAGCOR)之前拥有的Casino Filipino New Coast分支机构。这家香港上市公司收购了该物业,作为PAGCOR私有化计划的一部分。 PAGCOR和国际娱乐子公司Marina Square Properties, Inc.(MSPI)之间的移交过程已经完成,并于周四开始有限的运营。根据公司的公告,赌场运营的完全转移至国际娱乐定于5月11日进行。 合规与治理 国际娱乐有限公司强调其对监管合规和规范博彩的承诺。该公司已经实施了内部控制程序,包括与相关法律和法规一致的全面反洗钱和反恐融资计划(MLPP)。 财务安排 根据与 PAGCOR 签订的临时许可协议,赌场运营商有义务每月缴纳最低保证份额 (MGS)。为表彰持牌人于 2024 年 5 月开始运营,PAGCOR 已授予每月按比例支付的 6000 万菲律宾比索(约969,021 欧元)的MGS,如果许可费超过此金额,则可能会进行调整。 运营重点 随着过渡进程正在进行,国际娱乐有限公司已经准备利用其专业知识和资源来提升新海岸赌场的服务和客户体验。该公司意在巩固其在菲律宾繁忙的博彩市场的地位,同时为当地经济和社区做出贡献。 PAGCOR的私有化计划 在去年3月的东盟博彩峰会上,PAGCOR主席Alejandro Tengco强调了私有化的重要性,他表示:“通过私有化强调PAGCOR的监管职能对于促进公平竞争和振兴行业至关重要。” Tengco还概述了逐步私有化Casino Filipino的计划,为了实现更精简、更专注于监管任务的组织。 Tengco表示,私有化后,PAGCOR的收入将主要来自监管费用、许可证和一部分游戏毛收入,因为该机构将优化运营以变得更加敏捷和高效。
South Korea的 Paradise有限公司2024年第一季度利润飙升,得益于日本和中国客户的大力支持 韩国赌场运营商 Paradise Co. Ltd 在 2024 年第一季度的营业利润增长了 228%,达到 484 亿韩元(约3520 万美元),这主要归功于日本和大众市场参与者的参与度提高。 创纪录的表现 报告的营业利润表明,与上一季度的 190 亿韩元(约1280 万欧元)相比大幅增长,与去年同期相比增长了 154%。 Paradise Co. 的股东净利润出现重大转机,2024 年前三个月录得 369 亿韩元(约2480 万欧元),摆脱了之前的亏损。 专业赌场运营 该公司专门管理仅限外国人的赌场,包括 Walker-Hill、济州、仁川天堂城和釜山赌场等知名场所。 尽管整体销售额环比增长 9.5%,达到 2647 亿韩元(约1.79 亿欧元),但赌场销售收入却大幅增长了 9%,达到约 1022 亿韩元(约6900 万欧元)。 日本和中国游客 Paradise Co. 报告称,季度销售额出现创纪录的轻微下滑,赌桌上筹码交易金额接近 1.7 万亿韩元(约11.1 亿欧元)。值得注意的是,日本赌客贡献了 7170 亿韩元(约4.85 亿欧元),而中国赌客贡献了 3010 亿韩元(约2.036 亿欧元)。 全年预测强劲 Paradise Co. 预计全年的息税前利润为 681 亿韩元(约4600…
Light & Wonder 2024年第一季度:游戏行业稳步攀升 Light & Wonder has reported a strong Q1 2024, marking its 12th consecutive quarter of year-on-year growth. The company generated a 13 percent year-on-year revenue increase to $756 million, driven by robust performance across all lines of business. This growth is particularly noteworthy given the company’s stated focus on organic growth over “flashy” M&A deals.
并购:DraftKings收购Sports IQ Analytics DraftKings has strategically acquired Sports IQ Analytics, an AI-powered odds provider. This acquisition is set to enhance DraftKings’ pricing capabilities, a critical component in the sports betting industry.?The announcement was made by Omer Dor, CEO of Sports IQ Analytics, on LinkedIn.
印度Premier联赛实现卢比支付 The 2024 Indian Premier League (IPL) has been a game-changer for the crypto betting industry, with Stake.com leading the charge.
Delta Corp 第一季度绩效反映了赌场和在线技能游戏领域的挑战 Delta Corp是印度游戏行业的重要参与者,在2024年3月31日结束的第一季度,其营业总收入同比下降了3%。该公司报告的营业总收入为222.75亿卢比(约2.48亿欧元),主要由于其赌场和在线技能游戏业务的减少。 游戏业务收入在三月季度下降至174.07亿卢比(约1.935亿欧元),而去年同期为175.61亿卢比(约1.953亿欧元)。同样,与上一季度相比,在线技能游戏的收入下降了10.4%,降至35.08亿卢比(约3900万欧元)。 挑战中的利润增加 尽管营业总收入下降,Delta Corp报告了季度利润出现了的110%的惊人增长,达到了72.41亿卢比(800万欧元)。这一增长归因于一家子公司的出售,在该期间对公司的财务绩效做出了贡献。 年度绩效概况 截至2024年3月31日结束的整个财政年度,Delta Corp的营业总收入同比下降了2.5%,达到了1010.48亿卢比(约11.25亿欧元)。博彩业务和在线技能游戏分别下降了1.5%和9.5%。 法律挑战和行业代表 Delta Corp解决了持续存在的法律问题,包括向其三家子公司发出的要求退还商品服务税(GST)的通知。该公司与其他受影响的实体一起,已将反对这些要求的请愿书提交至最高法院。Delta Corp坚称,这些要求是武断的,违反了法律规定,强调整个行业对博彩收入征税的担忧。 公司重申了其对税务要求的立场,强调这些要求是武断的,不符合法律规定。Delta Corp已经启动了必要的法律程序来挑战这些要求,强调了其在法律框架内捍卫自己立场的承诺。 SiGMA亚洲2024活动即将举行,时间为6月2日至6月5日。您可以在这里找到所有详细信息。
阿肯色州和俄亥俄州提议在体育博彩和赌场方面进行监管变革 The Ohio Casino Control Commission (OCCC) is contemplating a major change to its licensing rules that could have far-reaching implications for the state’s burgeoning sports betting industry. The proposed amendment would grant the OCCC’s executive director the discretion to extend the one-year launch deadline for licensees on a case-by-case basis. This potential change comes in response to the challenges faced by local and retail entities in transitioning from concept to launch within the existing 12-month timeframe. Phantom Fireworks, a Type B operator licensed for brick-and-mortar operations only, is among those finding the current deadline restrictive. Despite not having a definitive location for its sportsbook, the company is making progress, albeit slower than anticipated due to administrative issues.
阿肯色州和俄亥俄州提议在体育博彩和赌场方面进行监管变革 The Ohio Casino Control Commission (OCCC) is contemplating a major change to its licensing rules that could have far-reaching implications for the state’s burgeoning sports betting industry. The proposed amendment would grant the OCCC’s executive director the discretion to extend the one-year launch deadline for licensees on a case-by-case basis. This potential change comes in response to the challenges faced by local and retail entities in transitioning from concept to launch within the existing 12-month timeframe. Phantom Fireworks, a Type B operator licensed for brick-and-mortar operations only, is among those finding the current deadline restrictive. Despite not having a definitive location for its sportsbook, the company is making progress, albeit slower than anticipated due to administrative issues.