The 5 daily practices to abundance – David Meltzer

Shirley Pulis Xerxen November 16, 2023

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The 5 daily practices to abundance – David Meltzer

David Meltzer, founder of David Meltzer Enterprises delivered a thought-provoking keynote this week at SiGMA Europe 2023 in Malta, outlining the five daily practices to abundance.

In order to do implement the practices that lead to an abundant life, it is important to understand time and what Meltzer calls the mathematical equation of luck – ?what we pay attention to in our life and what we give intention to will lead to the coincidences that we want.

Understanding time can help all of us live in abundance and the first abundant idea of time is the past. The past is infinite, and the only limitation is the meaning that we give it – the defining moments in our life. If we focus on the limitations, they will determine our own self image. Meltzer recounted how he lost over a 100 million dollars in 2008. He realised that his only reason to be rich was to buy his mum a house and a car. The meaning that he gives today to that failure has provided him a trajectory to what he wants in the future. Meltzer says that the future is also unlimited. The only limitation is our self image and the only limitation to our future is our self-image.

“I have never met anyone who makes a lot of money, helps a lot of people, who isn’t happy, who isn’t inspired, isn’t inspiring others to be inspiring, so over the years I have created practices to effectuate this idea of abundance.”

David Meltzer
David Meltzer, Founder, David Meltzer Enterprises.

Daily Practice #1 Know what you want

Most people live their life in nothingness. Instead, the minute we know what we want, we move from the nothingness to a possibility – a mathematical advantage everyday. We should know what we want on a personal and experiential level; what we want to give and what we want to receive. To make that possibility a probability, taking another mathematical leap, we need to know who we can help and who can help us with what we want.

Daily Practice #2 Know your who

The fastest way to get to where you want to be is to ask someone who is already there and ask them for directions or else help someone else to get where they want to be. Meltzer says that we have an accessible community provided by social media and silos for free. If you know what you want, who you can help and who can help you, you can build a community of people that want to help each other. Why is it so valuable, because if you build a community each day. The greatest communities in the world have people that are buying from them and selling for them.

Daily Practice #3 Know your how

IF you want to transform nothingness into a possibility, and that possibility into a probability and make it your perspective, then we need to know our how. This is where we must be students of time. We must look at the activities of everyday activities and create our daily non-negotiables.

Have non-negotiables every day

Using and knowing your how allows you to have non-negotiables everyday. Meltzner says he has had a sleeping coach for 17 years because it provides more impactful benefits to his life than anything else, recovery and access – “I recover better than anyone and I access information without my ego interfering with where I want to be.” Seven hours of sleep are non-negotiable, with another 3 that he dedicates to his family, fitness, faith, finance and study. That leaves him 14 hours a day to do what he wants. Now to utilise the remaining hours and make it our reality is the fourth daily practice – know your now.

Daily Practice #4 Know your now

There is a huge epidemic in the world today created by feeling overwhelmed and procrastinating and the epidemic is between I am and this is what I want people to think I am. Those people who know who they are, they are the people who  know their now and they know their next. If you know what to do now and know what to do next, it’s impossible to feel overwhelmed. It’s impossible to procrastinate. Why can’t we prioritise what to do now and what to do next? Because we do not know what is important to us. When we are worried about what other people think, what is missing, what we don’t have, we start accelerating in the wrong direction. When you know your what, your who and your how, you will know your now and you will be able to re-engineer and re-prioritize your day. The last step is to apply your why.

Daily Practice #5 Apply your why

Most people are in search of their why. Most common question Meltzer is asked by young people is “Can you help me find my why?”. He says that to apply our why, we have to understand and have faith that there is something bigger than us. He adds, “I call it ‘best option faith’, something bigger than me that protects you, promotes you and loves you more than your mum”. Therefore, when you meet a setback or failure, you will have the faith that you are being protected and promoted, it’s just a matter of time. Human beings do not have the capability to know and understand outcomes. If you apply your why you will know that human nature reacts to fear with ego, which edges goodness out of your life. Applying your why creates the coincidences that you want and results in abundance.

Join us in Dubai between the 25 and 28 February 2024

The fourth edition of SiGMA Eurasia expo will once again be held at the InterContinental Dubai Festival City, providing invaluable opportunities for attendees to network with industry professionals, gain exposure to the latest tech and innovations in the sector, meet key decision makers, and gain insight into new markets. Find all the details here.

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