From Malta Gaming Authority to LeoVegas – Carl Brincat’s new chapter

Lea Hogg September 26, 2024

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From Malta Gaming Authority to LeoVegas – Carl Brincat’s new chapter

Carl Brincat, the former CEO of the Malta Gaming Authority, has swapped the regulator’s seat for a new role at LeoVegas Group, taking on the challenge as Director of Policy and Regulatory Affairs. After nearly a decade shaping Malta’s gaming laws, Brincat now finds himself on the other side of the fence—armed with insider knowledge and ready to play by a different set of rules. In this candid interview with SiGMA News, he talks about what drove him to make the leap, how his experience as a regulator gives LeoVegas an edge, and the new battlegrounds in the global iGaming space.

LH: You recently transitioned from being CEO of the MGA to the Director of Policy and Regulatory Affairs at LeoVegas Group. What motivated you to make this move and how do you see your previous experience influencing your new role? 

Carl Brincat: As I had said when I took the decision to move on from the MGA, after over 9 years in different roles at the Authority I felt it was time to move on to pastures new.  During the 6-month gardening leave period following the end of my tenure as CEO, I had the opportunity to consider different paths, and ultimately I felt that this role at LeoVegas was best suited for me to use the skillset that I have developed, whilst continuing to learn and develop.  As to how my previous experience will influence my role at Leo, since my role is very much focused on ensuring productive conversations with regulators and legislators worldwide, I trust that I can use the perspective that I gained from years as a regulator to convey our message effectively, and to help drive conversations which ensure we have the right understanding of what regulators expect from us as an operator. 

LH: What do you anticipate will be the biggest challenges and opportunities in your new position at LeoVegas, especially as the company continues to expand into new international markets? 

Carl Brincat: The biggest challenge is, of course, to keep constantly abreast of all the developments and moving parts in the various jurisdictions in which we are present and expanding into.  The opportunity is very much the same – dealing with counterparts in other operators and suppliers, regulators, and legislators around the globe is a constant learning experience and also gives me the space and opportunity to convey the LeoVegas message far and wide.

LH: Given your extensive background in regulatory affairs, how do you plan to manage regulation in different countries to ensure compliance? 

Carl Brincat: Managing compliance is the remit of my fantastic colleagues in the Compliance and Technical Compliance teams.  My role is to help them monitor upcoming changes in regulation, to make sure that we give solid feedback to regulators and legislators on changes which are consulted upon, to ensure that we have the right understanding of what regulators expect from us, and to that end to develop our relationships with our regulators.  

LH: How do you develop relationships with regulators from different jurisdictions? 

Carl Brincat: This naturally depends on the willingness of different regulators to engage directly with industry.  Where this is not possible, we seek to establish a solid line of communication through the various trade organisations which LeoVegas is a part of.  Where there is an openness to conversations with individual operators, the recipe to my mind is very simple – honesty and transparency.  These are values which I hold dear on a personal basis, and which at LeoVegas form part of the core company values.  Having open and honest conversations with regulators about the legal obligations, what we are doing to ensure adherence to them, and our views on how the regulatory objectives may be best achieved, is the best way to establish a long-term and respectful relationship between the parties.  

LH: The iGaming industry is rapidly evolving. What trends do you foresee having the most significant impact on the industry and how is LeoVegas preparing to adapt to these changes? 

Carl Brincat: The ‘trend’ with the biggest impact is of course the ever-growing number of markets that are rolling out a regulatory framework for the industry.  This naturally creates opportunities but at the same time also adds layers of complexity and difficulty for multinational operators such as ourselves.  We prepare and adapt by making sure that we are constantly on the ball with new developments, so that we can give feedback when consulted and have the right understanding from early on, which gives us more time to prepare for the legal requirements when they become effective. 

LH: What are your comments about the LATAM market, particularly in Brazil where the regulated market is expected to be one of the world’s largest betting markets ?

Carl Brincat: LATAM is an exciting region for the industry, with some countries having already regulated – to varying extents – and others in the process.  As the most populous country in the region, Brazil is of course a fantastic opportunity and as LeoVegas we look forward to being the platform provider for the BetMGM venture.  It is commendable that these countries are regulating the industry, as this will ensure that their citizens are given the opportunity to play within a safe environment, with a clear distinction between operators that adhere to stringent rules and standards, and ones which do not.  It is excellent to see highly responsive legislators and regulators like we have in Brazil at federal level, and hopefully we can have this open engagement on an ongoing basis in Brazil and elsewhere.   

LH: How important do you believe that collaborations with industry trade bodies are now that you are at LeoVegas and how do you plan to develop these collaborations for the company’s growth and regulatory compliance? 

Carl Brincat: I believe trade bodies are essential for two main reasons: expertise and strength in unity.  Each market has its own specificities and therefore having trade bodies that can focus on that specific market, duly staffed by experts in the field, provides a lot of added value to us since internally we have to keep abreast with developments in many countries.  Moreover, as operators we compete amongst ourselves for customers, but we also have plenty of common interests.  Getting together to discuss common concerns and to speak with one voice on matters of great importance helps us get our message across more effectively and clearly, and trade bodies are invaluable for that purpose.  

LH: LeoVegas has a strong focus on offering gaming in a safe yet entertaining way.  How do you plan to enhance and promote ethical gaming practices for the company? 

Carl Brincat: That ethos forms an integral part of everything we do at LeoVegas.  Our service is designed from the ground up with the intention of being the pinnacle of entertainment, and for our customers to enjoy our services as entertainment necessarily means that they must do so safely and responsibly.  There is always more that can be done, but my intention is to first help ensure that we convey to regulators and legislators, in particular, what we are already doing well, and then of course keep improving both in line with incoming regulatory requirements in a number of markets, but also over and above in line with our commitment to provide that best-in-class safe entertainment space. 

LH: Reflecting on your career so far, what have been some of the most valuable lessons you have learnt that will be useful to share with other compliance professionals in the gaming sector? 

Carl Brincat: The biggest lessons I’ve learnt are probably, in no particular order: everyone fails, what matters is that you learn and get back up; no one is an island, so trusting colleagues and pulling the same rope will get you much further than trying to go at it alone; and most decisions are reversible, so often it’s more important to take a quick decision when you have all reasonably available information in hand, than to keep waiting (Jeff Bezos’ famous two-way door decision-making rule). 

And to close, some quickfire questions ! 

LH: Favourite travel destination and why?

Carl Brincat: Italy, for everything but mainly food and culture (Japan equally beloved for the same reasons but less accessible of course). 

LH: What’s your morning routine on a weekend ?

Carl Brincat: Wake up a bit late, work out, do house chores, visit my parents and go out. 

LH: Do you have a guilty pleasure?

Carl Brincat: Pizza and football on the sofa. 

LH: Do you have a hidden talent or hobby

Carl Brincat: I’m a big anime fan (not too hidden for those who know me). 

LH: What do you prefer? TV entertainment shows or movies, documentaries or books ?

Carl Brincat: All of them, given time, but books if I have to choose. 

Lea Hogg spoke with Carl Brincat, former CEO of the Malta Gaming Authority and now Director of Policy and Regulatory Affairs at LeoVegas. A lawyer by profession, Brincat previously served as Chief Legal & Enforcement Officer at the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA). After three years of training in criminal law, he joined the MGA’s legal team, where he spent over six years, contributing to the Authority’s strategic direction and its high-level regulatory Committees for the past four years. Brincat also serves on the Board of the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit and is a member of the Chamber of Advocates (Malta), the International Masters of Gaming Law (IMGL), and the International Association of Gambling Regulators (IAGR). He is a frequent speaker at both local and international conferences on gaming and regulatory issues.

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